Prelude to the Belgian National Day

Sat 20.07.24 20:00

Richard Wagner, Lohengrin: Prelude, Act III 
Richard Strauss, Heimliche Aufforderung, TrV 170, op. 27, no. 3 (orch. Heger)  
Richard Strauss, Wiegenlied, TrV 195, op. 41, no. 1 
Richard Strauss, Cäcilie, TrV 170, op. 27, no. 2 
Giacomo Puccini, Le Villi: Act II, Tregenda (Witches’ Sabbath) 
Giacomo Puccini, Gianni Schicchi: O mio babbino caro 
Giacomo Puccini, La Bohème: Si, mi chiamano Mimì 
Charles Gounod, Faust: O Dieu! Que de bijoux 
Maurice Ravel, La Valse, poème chorégraphique 


Queen Elisabeth Winner Sumi Hwang Returns to Belgium 


On Saturday 20 July at 8pm, the Belgian National Day celebrations will kick off with a free concert. This concert by the Belgian National Orchestra and the Queen Elisabeth Competition enjoys the support of the FPS Chancellery of the Prime Minister and the National Lottery. The King and Queen will attend this concert. 


South Korean soprano Sumi Hwang, winner of the Queen Elisabeth Singing Competition 2014, will sing some highlights from Puccini's operas in this gala concert, in addition to some songs by Richard Strauss. Chief conductor Antony Hermus ventures into the prelude to the third act of Lohengrin and also performs Ravel's famous La Valse


Tickets for this free concert will be available around a month before the concert (more information coming soon).


Antony Hermus, conductor
Sumi Hwang, soprano 


Antony Hermus

Antony Hermus was recently appointed Chief Conductor of the Belgian National Orchestra, starting an initial four-year term in September 2022 with a Designate year.

Sumi Hwang

South Korean soprano Sumi Hwang completed her studies at the National University of Seoul and the Hochschule für Musik in Munich, where she studied with Frieder Lang, Donald Sulzen and Céline Dutil